Confessions & Catechisms
Confessionally Reformed
​The 16th century protestant Reformation brought about the creation of confessions and catechisms which defined and taught the biblically based doctrinal positions of various Reformed traditions. These standards are subordinate to Scripture, and are a systematic summary of biblical doctrine, containing many scripture references. Being confessional says that the church and the Christian faith are bigger than just Fox Lake Community Church. It connects us to other churches across time and place, who all believe the same thing.
Fox Lake Community Church subscribes to the Westminster Standards, as shown below.
Confessions & Catechisms
Westminster Confession of Faith
Westminster Larger Catechism
Westminster Shorter Catechism
A creed is a statement of belief or faith. The word derives from the Latin credo for “I believe”. These creeds have been adopted by all orthodox (true) Christian traditions down through the ages as a summary of what the New Testament teaches about the Christian faith. All of the basic beliefs of the orthodox Christian faith are included in these Creeds and reflects what we believe.